Saturday, March 30, 2024

The Providence of God Part 03 Providence and The Cross John 18:1-14

 Good Friday, March 29th, 2024

From The Series: The Providence of God

Part #3 Providence and The Cross

John 18:1-14

Mountain View Evangelical Missionary Church

Good morning, once again. This morning, we continue with the third part of our mini-series on The Providence of God. This morning, it is only fitting to examine Providence and The Cross. But before we get to today’s lesson, I left you with an assignment to complete for this morning. I asked you to meditate on the question, “Who initiated the Law?”

It may seem like a simple question, but I have heard more than one answer. I have heard some claim that Moses was the one to initiate the Law. After all, it is called the Mosaic Law by Jewish teachers. Other biblical scholars have claimed that it was the author or authors of the Pentateuch who initiated the Law. Most biblical scholars agree that Moses was the author of the first five books of the Bible, while other biblical scholars claim that there were multiple authors and many revisions of the Pentateuch.

A word of warning regarding biblical scholars. Not all scholars believe the Bible. Not all biblical scholars believe in the inspired and inerrant authorship of the Bible. I think I have mentioned this before, I have an excellent commentary on the Book of Ecclesiastes in my library that is ranked as the #1 commentary on Ecclesiastes, written by a brilliant scholar who is an expert in ancient Near Eastern languages and cultures. It became evident to me after reading about two or three chapters of his book, that he was not a believer in God and I don’t just mean a believer in the atoning work of Jesus Christ, but I don’t think that he believes in the existence of any god.

I say this because I have another commentary in my library, the # 3 commentary on Ecclesiastes which is very definitely written by a believer in Jesus Christ, and you can tell in the difference between the way that each book is written. The unbeliever keeps referring to another older civilization as the source of the wisdom for Ecclesiastes and the Believer talks about Yahweh and Jesus Christ as the authority for the wisdom that is taught in the Biblical book. Not all biblical scholars believe the Bible!

With that, I just wanted to emphasize that God is the initiator of the Law. God, not Moses or any other man, but God, and God alone is the initiator of the Law. It is His teachings, His Torah that we are to live our lives by.

We discovered last week that the Law was not set forth by God to be a burden on mankind, that was a result of the misinterpretation over the years of man trying to use the observance of the Law as a means of earning salvation. The Law is a blessing because it reveals the character of God in the manner of the teachings. The Torah reveals the Holy nature and attributes of the one true God. The Law not only helps us to live a life set apart from the world, but we find that because God is Holy, we are to be holy. When we love Jesus Christ and experience the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we find that we can follow the Law out of love for the Lord, not out of a sense of obligation in an attempt to earn something.

When we know Christ in a personal and intimate fashion, we no longer look at the Law as a burden, but rather as a blessing, because the Law brings us closer to Jesus. Christians are not to think that we are free from the Law, we are free in the sense that we are not obligated to follow the Law in an attempt to earn favor with God, rather, we follow the Law from a sense of gratitude and desire to develop holiness in our lives.

So that was last Sunday’s message and challenge. This morning, as we gather to commemorate the crucifixion of our Lord and Savior, I want us to examine the role that God’s Providence played in the events surrounding the sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf. I have had some interesting discussions over the past several months with several different people in the church.

Some people seem to have confusion about the role of God’s Sovereignty in the day-to-day living of mankind. When I speak to people about the Sovereignty of God, we are not too sure exactly how that looks for us. Do we have free will and God must be subservient to our will? Does God have total control over us and are we just automatons, or meat-puppets acting out this giant play for God? Neither of those two extremes is biblical. For that truly is what is important here, what does the Bible say about these matters?

That means, this morning we are going to do things a little differently, we are going to examine God’s Providence through the actions of one man: Judas Iscariot. We will see that God’s Providence was at work, even through the actions of Judas.

As a reminder, let’s begin with a definition of the word Providence when we use it concerning the actions of God. Again, this is from Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary: “PROVIDENCE is the continuous activity of God in His creation by which He preserves and governs. The doctrine of providence affirms God’s absolute lordship over His creation and confirms the dependence of all creation on the Creator. It denies the idea that the universe is governed by chance or fate.”

In part one of this series, we examined that Yahweh was the Creator God of our Universe and existence. We acknowledged that He is more than just the Creator. Yahweh is also the sustainer, and all of creation depends on God to continue to function as it does. We saw in Genesis how the creation account was recorded for all that came after the first man and first woman so that we would know our history. But the New Testament reveals even more knowledge for us. Colossians 1:15-17 tells us this:

15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Colossians goes one step further than Genesis because Colossians names exactly who in the Trinity is responsible for Creation.

The Son is the one… who… in Him all things were created. Things in Heaven and on earth, visible and invisible. All things have been created through Him and for Him. Let me stop you right there and ask you if you believe that statement right there in Colossians. Do you believe that all things have been created for Jesus Christ? Why? Why would all things be created for Jesus Christ?

Scripture tells us. Look at what Romans 11:36 says, 36 For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.” Romans makes this point clear for us, all things are created for Jesus to bring Him the Glory! All of Creation cries out the glory, not just of Yahweh, but of the Son, Jesus Christ. This is exactly why there is so much power in the name of Jesus. “He is before all things” both in the existence of time and Jesus is before all of creation holding it all together.

With that in mind… The Son is the one… who… in Him all things were created. Things in Heaven and on earth, visible and invisible. All things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him… all things hold together. With all that in mind, how can we look at the events of the crucifixion and think that God was not in control of all of it?

We have seen from Scripture over the last two messages that God is not a cold and distant deity. We do not live in a Universe ruled by chance or happenstance. Yahweh and His Son are interested in a personal relationship with each of us. So interested in fact, that God has deemed that we are to be the means through which He carries out His ends. Keep that in mind and we will come back to that in a bit. We are the means through which God carries out His ends. God not only determines the ends, but He also determines the means, methods, and tools that He will use!

This morning, on Good Friday, we will examine the deeds of one man responsible for the arrest of Jesus, and we will see how the Father would use this man as the means to His desired end which was the crucifixion of His Son. Judas did not work alone, but God did work through him and his actions. We will see the Providence of God in action and examine more deeply this doctrine concerning the greatest sacrifice ever made for another.

READ JOHN 18:1-14

We see in this passage that Jesus had just finished praying that fabulous prayer in the Garden at Gethsemane. If you ever question how deep the love of Jesus is, or if you ever need encouragement in times of trouble, read John chapter 17 and let the words of Jesus’ prayer wash over you and feel the love that the Son has for each of you.

Look at verse two, and we will examine the man that the Father worked through to accomplish the goal determined by the Trinity. Judas Iscariot was one of the means that God used to carry out the Divine Plan of the crucifixion. Now Judas, who betrayed him, knew the place, because Jesus had often met there with his disciples.” Sometime after the Last Supper and before they arrive at Gethsemane, Judas slips away from the group to carry out his dastardly deed.

It is doubtful that he would meet with the High Priest that evening, I doubt Caiaphas would want to take that risk so soon before the arrest, likely, Judas slipped away to the Praetorium. This was the garrison where the Roman Soldiers were housed and stationed in Jerusalem. This is the place that Jesus is taken to and scourged after He is forced to appear before numerous leaders the next day, after His arrest.

So, Judas slips away to gather a large contingent of soldiers, the Greek word used is translated as cohort in English. A cohort could refer to a large group of varying numbers, but a standard cohort in the Roman Army was 480 soldiers. That means that this armed group of men who came to arrest Jesus could have been as many as 480 men. 480 armed men came in the heart of the night carrying torches, swords, and shields to arrest one lonely carpenter.

Remember, they were only interested in Jesus, although the remaining 11 were in the Garden with Jesus, the authorities left with only Jesus. Jesus was indeed the real threat to the religious establishment, and in verse 8, after asking the Romans “Who is it that you want?” Jesus responds to their answer of “Jesus of Nazareth”, with “I told you that I am he, if you are looking for me, then let these men go”.

OK, let’s back up a bit and look at the Providence of God at work in this passage. We will get to Judas in a moment but look where God was also at work here. Verse 4, “Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went outto meet them. Jesus knew exactly what was going to happen on this night.

In Matthew’s account, in Chapter 26, verse 50, Matthew adds the detail, 50 Jesus replied, “Do what you came for, friend.”” I imagine that Jesus whispered this as Judas leaned in to give Jesus that famous kiss of betrayal. Perhaps, Jesus had the hand of Judas in a grip of a handshake, or the beloved rabbi that the betrayer had spent most of the last three years with gripped the shoulders of this man and looked him in the eye to say, “I know what you are doing here”.

But Jesus’ foreknowledge of this moment extended far back into the relationship with Judas. Very early on in their relationship Jesus spoke these words over the twelve as recorded in John 6, verses 64 to 65 which say, “64 Yet there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus had known from the beginning which of them did not believe and who would betray him. 65 He went on to say, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them.”

Here we see that not only did Jesus know from the beginning that He would be betrayed and who would do it, but the additional evidence of the Providence of God in the Cross is that Jesus tells us that Judas would not have been drawn to Jesus unless the Father “enabled them”. The same holds true for each of us. The Bible tells us numerous times that we are “drawn” to the Father, or “chosen” by the Father.

In John 6:44 Jesus teaches us, 44 “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.” Enabled, and drawn, we also see the language of chosen being used by Jesus to describe the process. Further down in John 6 at verse 70, again this is early in the ministry of Jesus, He says this to the twelve, “70 Then Jesus replied, “Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil!” 71 (He meant Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, who, though one of the Twelve, was later to betray him.)”. Here in the Gospel of John, Jesus uses the language of drawing and choosing early in His ministry.

Later in His earthly ministry, Jesus is still using similar language. John 15:16, Jesus says this, 16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—Jesus adds the descriptor of appointing those He chooses. We see from this passage that Jesus in His ability as sustainer of the Universe, also sustains each of us in the appointed tasks that He gives to us. Once again, an example of the personal relationship that Jesus desires for each of us.

But, what about the Bible passages that refer to “all”? Well in the parable of the Wedding Banquet in Matthew’s Gospel, we see a verse that may help us to understand. By the way, this parable is included in some of the final teachings that Jesus was giving to the Twelve during Passion week while they were in Jerusalem. Matthew 22:14 tells us, 14 “For many are invited, but few are chosen.”. We see from that parable that many were invited to the wedding feast, but few were chosen for admission to the feast. Remember the one man who was in the Banquet, but was not dressed in wedding clothes, what happened to him? He was bound hand and foot and thrown out. Of course, the Wedding clothes are a metaphor for the righteousness of Christ. When we approach the Kingdom of Heaven, unless we are clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ, we will not gain entry. We will be thrown into the pit of hell to spend eternity apart from God.

People say, “But I can’t worship a God who would do that.” They say, “My god would never do such a thing” and they are right. Their version of god would never do such a thing. Let me ask you this, “Is God not consistent throughout the Bible?” There is no difference between the Old Testament God and the New Testament God. Same God, He is just choosing to deal with us differently at this time as we live under a period of Grace. But make no mistake, this Grace period will come to an end and we will all stand before the judgment throne of Jesus, and we will have to give an account for our lives.

Old Testament God, New Testament God… same God. The same God that wiped out all of humanity except for 8 people in a boat, is the same God sitting in judgment over us all. Jesus is part of the Trinity and always has been, which means that Jesus was present when “The LORD shut him in” the Ark, and the planet was flooded. Do not let the grace that we are experiencing right now, lull you into a false attitude towards God. Do not make a false god or an idol that makes you feel better.

But what about Judas you ask, what is his responsibility if he was being used by God to carry out these plans? First, let’s look at the actions of Judas. We have already seen that Jesus knew what Judas would do when he was first chosen by Jesus to be one of the Twelve very early on in the earthly ministry of Jesus. I am not going to speculate too much about the motives of Judas for staying with Jesus, other than to say that Judas was looking for an earthly reward.

When Jesus and the Twelve first arrived in Jerusalem, they were staying in Bethany which was a small hamlet outside of Jerusalem, and on the first night that they were there, Mary anointed Jesus with perfumed oil. Remember that some were grumbling that the oil should have been sold and the money used to help the poor. The people grumbling were not identified in the pericope, but since Mark places the event out of chronological order in his Gospel and sandwiches it between the account of the chief priests scheming and Judas going to the chief priests to betray Jesus, we can infer that it was Judas who was upset with this display of affection and the waste of such an expensive item. Judas was also the treasurer for the group, he was the money guy.

Turn with me in your bible to this passage in Luke where Judas crosses the Rubicon in his relationship with Jesus and decides to betray Jesus into the hands of the religious leaders. Turn to Luke chapter 22 starting at verse 1 and we are going to read about the worst decision that Judas ever made in his life.

READ LUKE 22:1-6

This event happens on the Tuesday of Passion Week in the afternoon. Judas again, slips away from the group and goes and meets secretly with the priests. Secretly that is, to everyone except for Christ. As the treasurer, I am sure that Judas was always walking off looking for supplies, or meeting with supporters and taking care of the logistical matters that every ministry needs to operate. Judas slipping away for a short time would not have been noticed by the other Apostles. But these actions speak to the duplicitous nature of Judas.

Now look at verse 3 here where it says, “Then Satan entered Judas…”. Hang onto that thought for a couple of minutes and we will come back to that. The Providence of God was even at work here through Satan. We see Judas scheming with the priests to betray Jesus. Keep in mind that Judas is doing this willingly. This idea rubs our modern sensitivities a little because culture tells us that we are not responsible for our actions. We are victims, cast about on the waves of the actions of others. We are victims of history, geography, bigotry, racism, addiction, circumstances, phobias, and the hate of others. We are just victims.

God’s Providence is at work here even in Satan’s actions with Judas. Keep in mind in the book of Job, we are taught how God put limits on the actions of Satan. Yahweh told Satan that he may test Job, but he was not to physically harm Job. There was the restraining hand of God placed on the actions of Satan.

The Father does the same thing to mankind. We saw when we studied Habakkuk, how God removed His restraining hand from the Babylonians and used them to bring judgment on the kingdom of Judah.

In the first chapter of Romans, Paul explores this thought of God’s restraining hand in a couple of verses. Romans 1:21 Paul introduces the thought with, 21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” This explains very well what we see happening in the life of Judas. Then Paul makes it clear who decides ultimately with this passage, 24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts…”. The Bible speaks in several places of God “giving over” or how He “gave over” people to their wicked hearts.

Why must God use a restraining hand when it comes to us? Secular Humanism tells us that we are all basically good and we are corrupted by society or the influence of others. Scripture paints a different picture.

After the flood, Yahweh said in His heart as part of God’s promise to never flood the earth again. 21 Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood.” That was from Genesis 8:21. In the Book of Psalms, David was aware of the natural condition of the human heart when he wrote this, “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.” Culture and psychology want us to believe that we are all naturally good and in need of redemption, but the Bible is very clear about the opposite.

The problem is, when we are left to our own devices we tend to make bad choices, selfish choices, and we choose death rather than life.

So, what are we to make of this? How can God exercise His Providence without turning us into little robots of His? If God is Holy and Just, as we have shown in the last couple of messages, and He is providentially in control of all things, then how do we avoid falling into the trap of blaming God for all the evil in the world?

Ephesians 1:11 states the following, 11 In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will,”

God does not take over the creature, God works instead through creaturely causes. Augustine wrote, “The cause that is higher than all others, is the will of God”. Let me repeat that, “The cause that is higher than all others, is the will of God”. Since the days of Thomas Aquinas, theologians have made a distinction between God as the “primary cause” and creatures as “secondary causes”.

Again, God does not take over the creature, God works instead through creaturely causes. Theologians speak of the concurrence of God’s providence with the actions of His creatures. It means that the two operate together, not as equals, not like a team of horses hitched together, but the two work together to produce an effect- literally, they “run with each other”. God works in and through the creature so that the creature also works.

Those of us who have placed our faith in Jesus Christ have the promptings of God living in us through the Holy Spirit. When the Spirit speaks to us, He doesn’t take over our brains and turn us into robots. The Spirit prompts us through our conscience so that we will respond in a fashion that is pleasing to God.

17th-century English theologian William Ames wrote the following, “There is nothing in the providence of God that imposes a necessity to things, forcing them unnaturally to go in a particular direction. Rather, the Father disposes, or arranges all things sweetly- that is, …exactly… as it is gracious to the nature of things, as God personally imparts to those things in creation and thus preserves and disposes by His own providence.”


I feel like I have made it clear that as Ephesians 1:11 says, “11 In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will,” but God does so in such a way that like Judas Iscariot, we are still responsible for the choices that we make.

Do not misunderstand me, I am not saying that Judas is solely responsible for what happened on Good Friday 2,000 years ago. Caiaphas the High Priest had a role. As did the council of the High Priests. The Sanhedrin, Pontus Pilate, and the Jewish crowd, all were used by God as the means to accomplish His end.

We have the ability to choose right or wrong, but the inclination of our hearts is to choose evil over good. Particularly, when the Father has removed His restraining hand from our lives. We live in an incredibly complex Universe, and God is working through all that in a plan that conforms to His will.

God does not take us over and compel us to do what He wants, but rather He works all things sweetly to work with our natures. God prompts, corrects, and encourages us to make the right choice. We are the secondary cause to His very important first cause. We see in the Crucifixion account how God has Providence over Creation to cause three hours of darkness to represent His wrath being poured out on the Son. A wrath that was due to us but was endured by the Son and ultimately caused His death on the cross. God’s wrath was not all that the Son endured that day. He was beaten, scourged, punched, spit upon, jeered, and mocked. Humiliated by soldiers, thieves, and commoners. All so that we wicked, rebellious people could be drawn back into a restored relationship with the Father.

One thing we can have confidence in… is that Jesus understands our suffering because He entered into our world and suffered in a very real way.

I want you to think about this, “Who initiated the Crucifixion?” Was it Judas? Was it Caiaphas the High Priest? Was it Pontus Pilate, the Roman Governor? Or, could it have been God, Himself once again initiating the actions that brought about the most unjust event in human history?

Today we saw how even one of His closest betrayed the Son. How many times have we betrayed Jesus by taking this gift for granted?

Join us on Easter morning as we will conclude this series on the Providence of God.

Go in peace!


Sunday, March 24, 2024

The Providence of God- Part 02 Providence and The Law Deuteronomy 4:5-14

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From The Series: The Providence of God

Part #02 Providence and The Law

Deuteronomy 4:5-14

Mountain View Evangelical Missionary Church

Good morning, once again. This morning, we are going to continue our mini-series on the Providence of God, and Lord willing, this will lead us right up to Easter weekend. On the traditional church calendar, this Sunday is known as Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday is the day that marked the Triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. An event that fulfilled many prophecies from the Old Testament that referred to the arrival of the Messiah.

This fulfillment of the prophecy should have been enough for all present to accept Jesus as the Son of God and to receive Him. We know of course that this was not the case and in less than a week, this same person, Jesus Christ would be condemned by the same adoring crowd, and Jesus was crucified on a Roman Cross.

We will see on Good Friday later this week, how the Providence of God was even over that event. I read on a website this statement: “Palm Sunday is a reminder for Christians to welcome Jesus into our hearts and to be willing to follow Him.” Let me repeat, “Palm Sunday is a reminder for Christians to welcome Jesus into our hearts and to be willing to follow Him.” Now, I have a couple of issues with that statement. First, if you are a Christian, you had best already have welcomed Jesus into your heart. If you haven’t, you are not really a Christian, you are just someone who is claiming the title, of Christian.

Second, if you are a Christian, you should be following Jesus, not just be willing to follow Jesus. Being “willing” to follow Jesus is not the same as following Jesus. Do you see the difference in the levels of commitment there? If you are on Team Jesus, then you need to be fully committed. Don’t worry, He tells us that, “His yoke is easy and the load is light” and we are going to be seeing that very thing this morning.

For this morning, we are going to be examining the Providence of God and The Law. The Law is often misunderstood by Christians, and I have even heard some very confusing teachings on the application of the Law to the Christian life. I have even heard the misapplication by Christian scholars of the Law on Jewish life.

This morning, I want to spend some time helping us to grasp a better understanding of the Law that is presented in the Bible. I will show us how the Law correlates to God’s character. Then we will discuss whether the Law is a benefit, a blessing, or a blight on mankind. Finally, we will determine if we can discover what the purpose of the Law was.

During our time together this morning, I hope to answer the following questions: What is the Law? Are Christians truly free from the Law? Who initiated the Law?

Last week I ended with this question that I asked you to ponder during the week: “Who initiated Creation?” I hope that it was obvious from the message that God initiated Creation. My sincere wish for you is that you understand this truth and accept it as fact. Science cannot explain the Creation of the Universe. All science can offer is man-made theories that will never be proven until man can create another Universe out of nothing.

Not by rearranging pre-existing matter, not by smashing atoms into each other at high rates of speed. That is not how the Bible explains to us how Creation occurred. God spoke and He created.

Science and the scientific method are described as such:


“The scientific method is the process of objectively establishing facts through testing and experimentation. The basic process involves making an observation, forming a hypothesis, making a prediction, conducting an experiment, and finally analyzing the results.”

Let’s spend a couple of minutes looking at the scientific method using their own definition. They are to use processes to objectively establish facts through testing and experimentation. The basic process involves making an observation. OK, the observation is: that there is a Creation. Good, we can all agree on that. I can objectively observe that there is a creation because I see you, this building, the trees, mountains, clouds, lakes etc., etc. I can observe that there is a Creation.

Next, we are to form a hypothesis and come up with a theory that explains the facts that we have observed so far. Science determined a theory that basically says everything was created from nothing through a really big explosion.

The next step is to make a prediction based on the hypothesis. This goes something like this: I have an idea. If I do a to b then we should get c, or if I combine a with b, I will get c.

Next, the scientists conduct the experiment by doing a to b and they wait for the results. Or they combine a with b hoping to get c. Finally, if they are honest, if they are honestly objective, if they are honestly using the scientific method, they will analyze the results of the experiment and determine if they achieved the expected results. Or, they will analyze the results of the experiment and adjust their original hypothesis to coincide with the achieved results.

I’ll just wrap this section up with the explanation that until scientists can recreate the Big Bang out of nothing, with a replication of a Big Bang, then I will understand that science has only determined a theory so far. Since it is still a theory, then I’ll ask you to excuse me if I continue to believe what God’s Word has to say, and that it is God who initiated Creation. He is the Creator and He has all authority over His Creation.


That was wrapping up last week’s message, so this week we are going to move on to the Providence of God and the Law. Turn with me in your bibles to the Book of Deuteronomy and chapter 4 starting at verse 5. If you did not bring your Bible this morning, you should find one under one of the seats in the row in front of you. If you do not have a Bible, please take that Bible home with you as a gift from Mountain View Church. We believe it is important that you have access to God’s Word.

If you are using a Pew Bible, you will find today’s passage on page 143 of the Pew Bible


READ Deuteronomy 4:5-15


To get things started properly, maybe we should define the term “The Law” from a biblical perspective. From the Lexham Theological Wordbook.




In biblical contexts, law generally refers to the legal regulations connected to the Mosaic covenant and recorded in Genesis to Deuteronomy.

You may be familiar with the Hebrew word for the concept of the Law the word Torah. The concept behind the word Torah is so much more than just Law. Torah encompasses a larger meaning of teaching or teachings. The first five books of the Bible are referred to collectively by the Jewish people as the Torah. Terms such as Mosaic Law, or Law of Moses also come from the concept of the word Torah.


The basic meaning of the word is reflected in Old Testament passages from the Book of Proverbs that speak of parents or the aged instructing youth. “My son, do not forget my teaching [tôrâh], but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity” (Proverbs 3:1). This does not necessarily refer to a set of laws, but rather the general instruction one gives to a son or daughter. The instruction that one gives on how to properly interact with others in our lives.

Again, from Proverbs, “The teaching [tôrâh] of the wise is a fountain of life, turning a man from the snares of death” (Proverbs 13:14). Once more, we are not referring to laws or illegal actions, although a warning against those things would certainly apply. But rather, teachings that would be beneficial to one as a fountain of life-giving water would be to anyone going through life. What we are talking about here is the use of the Torah first as a general instruction for life.

Look with me at verse 1 of Deuteronomy chapter four at what Moses says, “Now, Israel, hear the decrees and laws I am about to teach you. Follow them so that you may live and may go in and take possession of the land the Lord, the God of your ancestors, is giving you.”

We see in this verse that Moses is teaching the purpose behind the giving of the Torah, “so that you may live and may go in and take possession of the land of the LORD”. The giving of the Promised Land to the Israelites was not a reward for following the laws of Yahweh. The giving of the Promised Land was a fulfillment of Yahweh of His covenant that He struck with Abraham. The LORD was honoring the deal that He struck with Abraham.

Three times in the Book of Genesis, Yahweh strikes a deal, a covenant with Abraham that his descendants would be given a land of their own as an inheritance from the LORD. This land is known as modern-day Israel.

But God was not simply willing to carve out a geographical niche in the Middle East for His people to live in. God did not want His people to look like all the surrounding nations who were warring with each other and worshipping Pagan gods. Yahweh wanted His people to be set apart from the world. The first part of the covenant was the physical act of circumcision.

The second part was a circumcision of the heart. This is where the Torah comes in. What is the best way to set apart a people from the surrounding cultures? You teach them a different way to live. In verse five of today’s passage, this is what Moses is claiming to have done. Moses was teaching what he was given by God to God’s people: decrees, laws, and commandments.

When we only see the Ten Commandments as the Law that is given, we fail to see and wonder at the fact that God stooped to instruct Israel. Once again, we are seeing a personal interaction between God and His people. We are seeing another example of what we read (red) about last week when God stooped to breathe the breath of life into the nostrils of a lump of clay, and in so doing, God animated the first man to life.

If we have thought of God’s law as some cold, rigid set of rules brutally applied, we miss the heart and soul of law. Moses reveals the warm heart of law in the fourth chapter of Deuteronomy when he says to an expectant new generation about to enter Palestine: “See, I have taught you decrees and laws as the LORD my God commanded me, so that you may follow them in the land you are entering to take possession of it. Observe them carefully, for this will show your wisdom and understanding to the nations,”.

What nations is Moses referring to here? He is referring to the surrounding nations. The nations who were worshipping false gods like Baal, Astarte, and Molech. False gods that in some cases they were sacrificing their children to in an attempt to appease these gods.

Moses is inspiring his people to be aware that the surrounding Nations will be watching to see if they truly are different. The same occurs today. Your coworkers will watch to see if you are living differently than they are. Your unsaved family members will also watch to see if you are truly walking your talk. I think this is part of what Jesus meant when He said that His yoke is easy, and the load is light. When we publicly proclaim that Jesus is our Lord, we take on this yoke of being a Christian. It is like a mantle that we wear. If we are truly following the teachings of Jesus, the load is light. The yoke is easy to put on, confess with your mouth and believe in your heart and you can put on the yoke of Jesus. If you are following Jesus wholeheartedly, then the load is light for all you must do is say no to worldly things. No to things that the world finds acceptable, but God finds sinful.

But if you are trying to walk with one foot on the path of Jesus, and one foot in the world, then suddenly the load is not so light. The reason for that is not that Jesus has added anything to the load, but it is because of what the World has added to your load. The weight of sin is unbearable. This is why the lost are so unhappy because they are struggling under a terrible load. They are carrying the full weight of their sins because they are going through life unforgiven.

They can sense their separation from God but in most cases, they have no idea how to repair that separation. On Tuesday night as part of our prayer night, we read and prayed over this verse:

20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.” Think about what that says, “We are Christ’s Ambassadors”. We are all called, not just pastors, preachers, and evangelists. All who call Jesus Savior and Lord are called to be Ambassadors of Christ. What does that mean?

“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We are called to live as though Christ were making his appeal through us. What appeals to whom?

The appeal is to the Lost. We are to speak to those who do not know Jesus, that God wants to have a reconciled relationship with you. We are to tell them the Good News that Jesus died for their sins. Jesus paid the sin debt owed to God the Father on their behalf. The heavy burden of those past sins, and the forgiveness that we all crave for those mistakes that we have all made, can be had through confession to God. Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart, that Jesus was who He said that He was. Jesus was God who took on human flesh and walked this earth two thousand years ago, fully man and fully God. Jesus lived a sinless life so that He could become the spotless lamb to be sacrificed on Passover Sunday in the town of Jerusalem on a Roman Cross to pay our sin debt to a Holy and Just God, so that we may be reconciled back to The Father in a loving and righteous relationship.

I am Christ’s ambassador, you are Christ’s ambassador, and you are Christ’s ambassador, as Christians, as Followers of Jesus, we are called to be His ambassadors to implore the lost: be reconciled to God. Not, “follow these rules so that you will be saved”.

Maybe you can’t share that message because you haven’t been reconciled yourself. Maybe you are realizing that you haven’t known Jesus in the personal and intimate manner that the Bible describes. If you have not, that is OK. Don’t be embarrassed. Stop living in fear and simply step out from under the shadow of sin and into the light of forgiveness from Jesus Christ. If you do not know Jesus in this personal way that I have been describing for the past several months, then reach out to me and I can give you assurance of your Salvation. You can be assured, you know? The Bible is clear about this and there are markers in your life that will give you the answer. Reach out to me and we can have a definite and reassuring conversation.

If you have someone in your life who doesn’t know Jesus, invite them to church. If you can’t give them the Good News, then bring them here and I promise you they will hear the Good News. They will hear, and Jesus will be faithful to His Word and He will save.

What Moses is teaching here in Deuteronomy is a foreshadowing of what Jesus would be teaching. Moses was calling God’s people to live a Holy life. A life set apart from the world, to God. Look at the second half of verse 6 in chapter 4. We see that following this life will also have a witnessing effect on the surrounding nations. Look at what it says, “`Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.’ What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the LORD our God is near us whenever we pray to him? And what other nation is so great as to have such righteous decrees and laws as this body of laws I am setting before you today?”

Moses’ words introduce the derived meaning of tôrâh. It is the specific instruction given to Israel through Moses, and by extension to us, carrying with it the full force of all that “law” means to us. It is the Mosaic code, with its Ten Commandments and its instructions covering every aspect of Israel’s personal and national life. It is the moral, ceremonial, and civil way of life God ordained for his OT people.

What is clear, however, is that whatever use of “law” points to… the Old Testament understands tôrâh as divine instruction. Tôrâh is God’s gift, intended to show Israel how to live a holy and happy life in this world.

We are to live holy lives because we worship a Holy God. The word Holy needs to be defined. This is from the book, “Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch” which defines the word Holy in the context of the book we are studying from this morning. “In Scripture, holiness is exclusive to Yahweh; the holiness of anything else is derived, either from God’s presence or from consecration to the sanctuary. Further, because only God is holy, there is nothing either within humans or on earth that is inherently holy, and no Scripture attempts to define “holy.”[1]

Two important facts there: 1. Holiness is exclusive to Yahweh, the holiness of anything else is only holy because the holiness is derived or given by God. 2. No Scripture attempts to define “holy”. All of Scripture defines “holy” by revealing the various attributes and actions of God. What is “holy”? God is “Holy”. What do we mean when we use the word holy, we mean whatever attribute of God that applies.

Here is some further explanation from the dictionary, Quote, “Two ideas commonly associated with holiness need to be qualified at the outset. First, holiness is often defined as separation, because objects and persons consecrated for use at the sanctuary are removed or set apart from ordinary use.” End Quote. OK? Think of the objects set apart for use in the Tabernacle and later for use in the Temple. These items were holy not because they were used in the ceremonies, they became holy because they were set apart for God. We are holy as adopted children of God, not because of anything we have done, but rather, we are holy because we have been set apart by God.

Back to the definition. Quote, “However, separation does not get at the essential meaning of holiness—neither in reference to God, the Holy One nor in reference to the variety of items described as holy—for it fails to provide any content to the concept of being holy. Second, the ethical and the holy are often so equated that the terms are used synonymously. In biblical faith this is common because Yahweh, the holy God, is righteous. Consequently, holy defines the character of biblical ethics. Nevertheless, we need to be aware that holiness encompasses far more than ethical behavior.[2]” End Quote.

Does that make sense? We derive, we get the definition of “holy” from God and His actions. We do not get to define what “holy” is and then try to apply them to the actions of the Father. There is this terrible teaching going around that if the Father required the sacrifice of the Son to pay for the sins of the Fallen, then those actions somehow qualify as Spiritual child abuse by the Father. First of all, the Son volunteered to make the Sacrifice, and it was completely conciliatory to the Father. By calling it child abuse, we are trying to project human definitions onto the character of God in an attempt to discredit and dismiss the work of Christ.

We can ask questions of God and to God, but when we start to place ourselves in a position to start to judge God, we would be wise to keep the words of Romans 9:20-21 in mind, “20 But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’” 21 Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?”

This is not an excuse to shut down debate or to stifle questions that one might have. I welcome those types of discussions. What I am saying, is that we need to keep things in perspective and recognize that we do not have the capacity to fully understand all that God does or why he does it.

This raises the question, “What is the benefit of the Law?” Biblically speaking, we can think that there are three uses of the law and each of these uses is a benefit for us. The three “uses of the law” refer to the ways in which moral law is used to reveal the character of God, to convict sinners of sin, and to teach Christians how to live in a way pleasing to the Lord. All three of these are beneficial to those who obey.

By understanding that the law is much more than the Ten Commandments, we can see how the Torah reveals the character of God. The true Nature of God as revealed by Himself and not a false god made in the image of man’s ideas.

Through the conviction of our sin, the law can restrain our natural sinfulness to our actions. How many of us would think of putting someone else’s needs ahead of our needs were it not for the example of Jesus? How many of us would feel the need for a Savior were it not for the mirror of the law being held up as the measuring rod to compare our lives to? How many of us would be living a life wholly pleasing to God if it were not for the guardrails that the Law put in place for our lives that keep us out of the ditches? But the law is not the only guiding principle in our lives. We have the example of the life that Jesus led, and we have His love which He so freely shares with us to also guide our actions.

When we understand and develop the proper appreciation of the teachings of the Law in the Bible, when we look at them holistically as a way to apply them to our lives, we recognize them as a benefit and a blessing rather than a burden to get out from under. Guides for our lives, not rules to follow to earn our way back to a right relationship with God. We joyfully obey because we are already reconciled through the work of Jesus. Again, Tôrâh is God’s gift, intended to show Israel and us how to live a holy and happy life in this world.

In Jesus’ time, the rabbis and other religious leaders focused their faith on the law. God had given the tôrâh to Moses. All other books of the Old Testament Cannon were but commentary on these core books and teachings. The religious leaders in Jesus’ day were sure not only that these Mosaic books were the key to life and death but also that the individual could keep the law and please God. The young ruler’s question, found in Luke 18:18, sums up the understanding of religion held by most of the religious people in his generation. Do you remember the question the young ruler asked? “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”

Because of the teachings of the religious elites in those days, the young ruler was confident that he had done all that was necessary to be in a right relationship with God. Are we guilty of this same crime in our lives? Are there areas where we think that we have done all the work? Areas where in reality it was a work of God and God alone that provided the results that we enjoy.

When Jesus appeared, he did not deny the Law (the books of Moses). But he did directly challenge the understanding of the Old Testament on which contemporary Jewish faith was based. The people in the lands had put their faith in the wrong place. They put their faith in their obeyance of the law rather than in what the law revealed to them, the character of God and the personification of God in Jesus.


The purpose of the law was to point forward to Jesus and the need to place one’s faith in Jesus, not in works.

Proverbs 3:5-7 highlights this thinking, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.” This is the Torah in a nutshell. This is how we apply the law to our lives as Christians. We are not to see the Torah as outdated or irrelevant to our lives today. Granted, there are some specific laws, such as dietary laws that we are no longer required to observe. The laws regarding shellfish and pork, (mmmm, bacon), and other foods have had their restrictions over Christians released by the vision and instruction that Peter received from the Lord and through the teachings of Paul.

Christians have divided the Torah into three areas, the Moral Law, the Civil Law, and the Ceremonial Law. Most Christians have put aside the Ceremonial Laws, and while it is true that we are no longer required to observe them, we should not ignore them for there are great truths about God revealed in them. Just because we are Christians, we do not get to wipe away and ignore the law. Grace has a place in our lives, but Grace is built on the foundation of the Law.

A final thought and question, I would like you to ponder and meditate on this week is this: Who initiated the Law? I’m not going to give you the answer this week, that answer will be part of Good Friday’s Sermon. I think the answer is self-evident, but it is a good thing that we stop and give thought to questions like these in our busy lives. Who initiated the Law?


The Law is a difficult and critical biblical concept. Tôrâh in the Old Testament is the divine revelation itself, given to Israel through Moses. The commands and statutes of tôrâh established the moral, social, and religious foundations for national and individual life. It was a great and wonderful gift. Through a study of tôrâh, true believers found the Lord and understood his way, and they knew that rich blessings would follow if they walked the way its commands and ordinances marked out. This was the true purpose of the Law. To point the way to God through the revealing of His character. Not as a means of Salvation.

But the warm breath of the faith relationship that breathes through the Old Testament was stifled by the way many approached the Old Testament revelation. They missed the message of forgiveness and took the law’s careful description of life for God’s Old Testament people as a way to salvation. Jesus directly challenged the rabbis’ grasp of its meaning. We see this in the way that Jesus confronted the religious leaders of His day repeatedly. The righteousness that the Jews of Christ’s day sought to establish by careful keeping of the law’s detailed instructions is rejected by Jesus. He calls for a different kind of righteousness—one that flows from an inner transformation. A transformation that is brought about by the Holy Spirit.

The Gospels also show us that the Old Testament way is to be replaced and transformed by Jesus. He is the focus of the Old Testament, the one of whom it testifies. Now that he has come, that era of the Old Testament is brought to a close. It is fulfilled, and a new era with new patterns of life will replace it.

How, then, are Christians today to regard the moral commandments of the Bible?

With respect. We are to look at them and sense… the holiness of God. We will find them standing against us, convicting us, if we wander into sin. But they will not help us become good enough to be acceptable to God. Only, acceptance of the completed work of Jesus Christ, only the paying of our sin-debt to God the Father, and only resting in the ever-loving arms of Jesus will make us acceptable to God.

To become good… we rely on Jesus and the Holy Spirit. When we read “Do not” or “Do” in Scripture, we should praise God, for then we will see the kind of person that he intends to help us become. And then, without even trying, we simply give ourselves, reaching out to love and to share.

Wouldn’t you want to become that person? A loving and giving person. Do you desire to become more like Jesus and less like the World? How marvelous that in our lovingof God and others—we suddenly realize the truth. We are fulfilling the requirements of the law in our lives—not because we are trying to be good, but because the love of Jesus is working to transform us from within, and the Holy Spirit is prompting us to acts of love that fulfill every demand of the law.



Father, I once again thank you for this day. I thank you for who you are and your unchanging Nature. I thank You for your Word and the revealing of yourself in the pages of Scripture. I thank You for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, for it is the Spirit that gives us eyes to see and ears to hear. It is your Spirit that allows us to understand the meanings contained in your Word.

Guard us against false doctrines and false beliefs. Help us to recognize that the Law was not meant by you to be a burden on your people. It was the misinterpretation of man that put that heavy burden on us. The Law is a guide to help us be more like you. Firstly, by revealing your Holiness to us. To show us what you detest, and what you desire for us to do and to be. Help us to be more like you every day and to reach out to those who you are already at work in, to show your love to.

Father, I ask for safe travel for those with us this morning, and I ask that you bring home safely those who are not with us this morning.

But, above all these things, we thank you for your Grace and for your love, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


Pastor Paul’s Points:

1) God is Holy and Just.

2) The Law is a benefit and a blessing.

3) The purpose of the Law was to point to their fulfillment in Jesus.


Questions to meditate on this week:

1.   What is the Law?


2.   Are Christians truly free from the Law?


3.   Who initiated the Law?






[1] J. E. Hartley, “Holy and Holiness, Clean and Unclean,” ed. T. Desmond Alexander and David W. Baker, Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2003), 420.

[2] J. E. Hartley, “Holy and Holiness, Clean and Unclean,” ed. T. Desmond Alexander and David W. Baker, Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2003), 420.

John - So That You May Believe, The Gospel of John Part 14, John 3:22-36, "I Must Become Less"

  December 15 th , 2024 From The Series: John- So That You May Believe Part 14 - I Must Become Less The Gospel of John John 3:22-36 ...